Organization Subprocess Update

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Play
  3. Documents
  4. Guidelines
  5. Others

1. Overview

In this subprocess, we deal with the process of Organization Subprocess Update. This is where organizations design, mock-up, implement, use, and revise their subprocesses

Organization: ORG

All-Files. These are all the view files.

2. Play

In this subprocess, the play is divided in several parts:

  1. Administrative Tools. This is where participants utilize common operations.
  2. Outlining/Playwriting Subprocesses. This is where subprocesses are outlined.
  3. Exampling/Rehearsing Subprocesses. This is where subprocesses are mocked-up.
  4. Implementing/Staging Subprocesses. This is where subprocesses are implemented.
  5. Using/Performing Subprocesses. This is where subprocesses are used.
  6. Revising/New Performing Subprocesses. This is where subprocesses are revised.
  7. Analysis. This is where participants use report tools.

3. Documents

In this subprocess, we have the following document types:

Outlined Subprocesses. These are used to represent outlined subprocesses.
Exampled Subprocesses. These are used to represent exampled subprocesses.
Implemented Subprocesses. These are used to represent implemented subprocesses.
Used Subprocesses. These are used to represent used subprocesses.
Revised Subprocesses. These are used to represent revised subprocesses.

4. Guidelines

In this subprocess, we have the following Guidelines:

Organization Subprocess Update Manager. This is the manager of the Organization Subprocess Update subprocess.
Subprocess Outliner. This is the person responsible for outlining the subprocess.
Subprocess Exampler. This is the person responsible for exampling or mockingup the subprocess.
Subprocess Implementor. This is the person responsible for implementing the subprocess.
Subprocess Testor.This is the person responsible for testing the subprocess.
Subprocess User . This is the person who uses the subprocess.
Subprocess Revisor. This is the person responsible for revising the subprocess.
Organization Manager. This is the manager of the organization.
Overall Organizations Manager. This is the overall manager of all the organizations.
Subprocess Manager. This is the manager of the subprocess.

5. Others

In this subprocess, we have the following other tools:

Worksheet. This is the guidelines for the manager/director.
Credits. These are the people partaking in this organization's production.
References. These are other references.
All-Files. These are all the view files.


Mockup (html)
Implementation (html)


Name- Phone-Email (mailto-hyperlink)


Title- Author- Library (html)